Thursday, 27 August 2015

#AbiaTribunal Update 27/08 /2015 : Read Full Proceedings Today

Please do remember the terms P for petitioner's counsel (Alex Otti), R1 for first respondent's counsel(Ikpeazu), R2 for second respondent's counsel (PDP), R3 for third respondent's counsel (INEC). Also 1RW is for first respondent's witness (Ikpeazu witnesses)

The judges just walked in, case introduced by the court registrar. Augustine Ehiemere (APGA chairman) for the petitioners
Charles Esonu (PDP Secretary) for the respondents.
Chief Oluwarotimi Akeredolu, SAN, leading the petitioners' counsel today, presently introducing his team.
Chief Adeniyi Akintola, SAN, leading the 1st respondent's counsel today, presently introducing his team.
Chief Paul Ananaba, SAN, lead counsel for the 2nd respondent (PDP), presently introducing his team.
Chief Levy Uzoukwu, SAN, leading the 3rd respondent (INEC) today, presently introducing his team.
R1 calls his first witness for today.
1RW25 (Tony Ezeigbo), swears on Bible, speaks English, a trader, from Umuahia North LG
1RW25 identifies and adopts his witness statement.
R2: U're a registered voter in PU16 urban W1, Umuahia North LG
1RW25: Yes
R2: U voted in D election of 11/04/15
1RW25: Yes
R2: U voted in that ur PU
1RW25: Yes
R2: U're here to give evidence as a voter
1RW25: Yes
R2: During the election U were PDP agent, but I came today to give evidence as a voter
1RW25: Yes
R2: was there any intimidation of voters on the election day?
1RW25: Nothing if such
R2: Explain what U mean by substantial compliance to elec act
1RW25: We were asked to line up, accredited, and voted normally
R2: Which party won in ur PU?
1RW25: APGA won
R3: After the result was announced did U go home?
1RW25: I didn't go home, I waited to see where they took the result to
R3: Do U know how many wards in Umuahia urban?
1RW25: 3 wards (Urban W1, W2, W3)
P: U said U're a registered voter in urban ward 1
1RW25: Yes
P: when did U depose Ur statement
1RW25: 08/06/15
P: where is ur PVC?
1RW25: I've it here with me (brings out his PVC)
P: I seek to tender this PVC
(no objections from Rs)
1RW25 PVC is exhibit 1RW25A (photocopy to be made and PVC returned to the owner)
P: Where did U act as an agent?
1RW25: PU16
P: Is it every voter that voted
1RW25: No, only those with PVC and accredited
P: So, all those who voted are those who had their names ticked on the voters registered
1RW25: Yes
P: As U have said, APGA defeated PDP in ur PU
1RW25: Yes
R1 calls on 1RW26 (Obinwoke Ihediwa), swears on Bible, speaks English, from Obingwa LG, identifies and adopts his statement
R2: U're a registered voter in PU15 W8 of Obingwa
1RW26: Yes
R2: U voted on 11/04/15
1RW26: Yes
R2: U are the party agent of PDP that day
1RW26: I was the assistant party agent
R2: As party agent, U were going from PU to PU
1RW26: I never visited any other unit
R2: Voting was peaceful
1RW26: Yes
R2: So D election in that PU was conducted free/fair
1RW26: Yes
R2: So there was another Party agent beside U
1RW26: Yes
R3: since there is no petition made in that PU, I've no question for 1RW26
P: Do U have ur PVC here with U?
1RW26: No, I was not told to bring it
P: Do U've Ur tag from INEC as assistant party here
1RW26: No
P: Do U maintain that U were THE party agent 4 Ur PU
1RW26: Yes
P: Do U still maintain what U said in paragraph4...."signing and taking...."
1RW26: I did not sign, the other person signed
P: Do U know the day I were giving ur deposition that both of U acted as agents
1RW26: I was aware
P: from ur paragraph 7, INEC is to have one party agent in a PU
1RW26: I don't know for INEC, we were two
P: U afirm that it was ur party agent that signed this result
1RW26: Yes, I was not D one that signed it
R1 calls on 1RW27 (Nnanta Obike), swears on Bible, speaks English, from Umuahia North LG, identifies/adopts his statement
R2: U're a registered voter in PU18 W1
1RW27: I'm a registered voter in PU19
R3: No question for 1RW27
P: Did INEC deploy the use of card reader
1RW27: Yes, it was used on that day
#AbiaTribunal is going on break now to reconvene by 3PM
(As the court pleases)
#AbiaTribunal is back in session now.
R1 calls on 1RW28 (Solomon Ogunji), swears on Bible, speaks Eng, lives in Umoba Rd, Aba, identifies/adopts his W/statement
R2: So, all the things U said in ur statement were all the things U witnessed
1RW28: Yes
R2: As a result of ur interaction with ur agents u got to know that elections were dully done in Ugwunagbo/Osisioma
1RW28: Yes
R2: Accrdtion, elec/annoucement of results in Ugwunagbo, Obingwa, Osisioma, Isisalangwa/Umuahia North was peaceful
1RW28: Yes
R2: No violence and intimidation of voters
1RW28: No
R2: So, U're telling #AbiaTribunal that ur agents signed these results and were authorised by ur party
1RW28: Yes
R2: U said U challenged the state RO that he has no powers to cancel any result
1RW28: Yes
R2: Do U know one Ahamdi Nweke?
1RW28: Yes
R2: He was the state collation officer of APGA
1RW28: Yes
R2: Ahamdi Nweke said U made a call to one his excellence to come, is that true?
1RW28: No
R2: Ahamdi Nweke said T. A Orji came to interfere with collation of results, is that true?
1RW28: It's not true
R2: He also said Olisah Metu, Col. Akobundu & Sen Abaribe, that they came to interfere with collation, is that true?
1RW28: No
R3: U're aware there was sup election on 25/04/15
1RW28: Yes
R3: All the parties that took part in the election of 11/04/15 also took part in 25/04/15
1RW28: Yes
R3: before getting to the state level, results have been announced at the PUs, wards and LGs
1RW28: Yes
R3: after the final collation, did U sign the form EC8D?
1RW28: Yes
R3: At any stage/level, do U have any reason to complain about INEC in the election
1RW28: No
P affirming to J that he will take 1 hour to cross examine 1RW28, that R2 took 1 hour. J said it will be 30 minutes.
P: If U see other state agent will U know them?
1RW28: I may recognize them, I don't know them by name.
P: but U know Ahamdi Nweke?
1RW28: Yes
P: Look at exhibit PBD02, if E. Uchendu is agent of PPA there, it's either U're lying or D docs is lying
1RW28: I'm not lying
P: Where did U vote on the day of election?
1RW28: I voted in my LG, Ukwa East
P: So you were never at these LGs that day
1RW28: After voting, I came to Umuahia through several LGs.
P: At D election you got report for most agents
1RW28: Not most, all
P: the reports were in writing
1RW28: most of D reports were by phone calls and the results they brought to me at D hqt
P: What time did U vote?
1RW28: Noon
P: places U went through, were they doing accredtion
1RW28: No, but some were doing late
P: From Ur knowledge and from what Ur agents told U, INEC properly deployed D use of card reader machine
1RW28: Yes
P: Are U aware or Ur agents told U that most of D collation in Obingwa/Osisioma were done @ LG
1RW28: I didn't seek that info
P: Ur challenge to D RO in paragraph 22 of Ur statement was why he cancelled D result not to stop him from cancelling
1RW28: The RO made mention of cancelling results, so I confronted him why he wanted to cancel results that were not b4 him
P: Was T.A Orji at D collation centre?
1RW28: It's not my duty to take notice of where he goes
#AbiaTribunal adjourns till tomorrow, Friday 28th August, 2015. (As the court pleases).

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